Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Tail care help!

As you may have read in previous posts, one of my goals for this year is to take better care of P's tail. I'm a bit envious of all the shiny, silky horse tails that I see in other blogs and I've been working on P's tail to get it in better shape.

Earlier this year, I started using Show Sheen while the weather was still too cold to bathe. Although I know Show Sheen can be drying to the hair, I feel like it helped start the detangling process.

Once it was warm enough to bathe, the bath alone helped even more. I ran out of Show Sheen and decided to try Cowboy Magic detangler. I vaguely remember not being impressed with Cowboy Magic several years ago and unfortunately, that was still the case. It did a good job of detangling but I felt like all the dirt stuck to it and it left P's tail rather dry.

So I'm on the search again for a good conditioning/detangling product! At this point, I think P needs more of a conditioning product to soften and strengthen the hair. What do you think, bloggers? What's your tail care routine and what's your favorite tail conditioning/detangling product?


  1. so far i've actually preferred the cowboy magic detangler to other silicone based products, but can see how not everyone would like it. i guess it really depends on what your goal is. if it's conditioning and growth, you could try mtg. but if it's more about wanting it looking pretty and clean at any given moment, probably another grooming product would do the trick?

    1. I know a lot of people really like the Cowboy Magic, so I'm definitely in the minority. :) Maybe it also depends on the horse's hair and it works better on some than others? I think P really needs the conditioning - her hair seems a little dry - thanks for the recommendation!

  2. hmm I am of no help because I've always had horses with good tails. I like the cowboy magic for detangling. However, I often use the leave in tail conditioner as well.

    1. Thanks for the recommendation! I might try a leave in conditioner - I'm thinking it might have a longer lasting effect.
