Sunday, October 2, 2016

A severe lack of blog entries - and rain

Apologies for not blogging for...well...all of 2016 so far. Yes, that's how bad a blogger I've been. Time just got away from me this year, I guess. I truly admire all of the bloggers who are able to work, go to school, ride, deal with the rest of life, and blog with such wonderful photos - I wish I were as good at time management as you are!

One thing that has not helped this year has been lack of rain. We are in a bad drought and trying to conserve as much water as possible. It makes things hard, as it is amazing how much water you need around a horse barn. The ponies are of course getting drinking water, but they are NOT getting baths. P's tail is disgusting! Does anyone know if there is some sort of dry shampoo that would help clean and detangle a horse tail that can't be washed?

I hope everyone has had a wonderful summer and fall season with their horses. I will try to check in on Blogger more often but can't guarantee. I hope I'll be back before another year goes by, though! Have a wonderful day!


  1. It's good to hear from you, and even better to hear that all is mostly well. Re water less soap, Erin from the story so far wrote about a soap brand called S.U.D.S. and loved it so much she did a contest about it here:

    I won the contest but honestly have not yet used the soap. It's still at home tho and smells divine. Probably worth a shot!

    1. Thanks for the recommendation - I like the name S.U.D.S. Looks like you still need water to rinse, though - we are under strict water conservation!

  2. Would mtg help detangle a bit? Or it that too greasy? Welcome back! :)

    1. Good question! I don't think I've ever seen MTG used for detangling before - I'll have to check it out.
