Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Off balance to the right

P and I went for a really nice little hack last weekend. The weather was very nice, and both P and I had fun.

One thing I noticed is that P was especially stiff to the right that day. I don't know if it's just aging or if it has to do with some past trauma. We do suspect that she was injured at some point but don't know the details. It's probably a combination of both.

In my 2015 goals, I had mentioned getting P some bodywork if I could afford it. I was thinking about massage at the time but am now considering chiro. What do you think, bloggers? Has chiro helped your horse? We do have a veterinarian in the area who does chiro work. The reason I'm considering it is because it sounds like it would have more of an effect. I'm less familiar with the massage therapists in the area and have seen some in the past who are nice people but don't seem to be very effective.


  1. I always worry about chiro so perhaps I'm not the best one to contribute. I would try massage and ask about how to incorporate stretching into your daily work.

    1. Yes, I've always been a little hesitant to try chiro. I feel like it's a lot more powerful than massage, so there are more things that can go wrong. Maybe I'll trying looking into some other massage therapists in the area first. Thanks!

  2. i've had done chiro for my mare in the past and have been happy w the results. tho we're due again and i'm trying to find a new practitioner so we will see what happens. my trainer is also a big believer in acupuncture, so i may try to find someone who does both

    1. Glad it helped your horse! I've never tried acupuncture either - I'm already a little wary of chiro. I think finding a good practitioner is hard - I don't really know the ones in my area well. Good luck with your search and I hope it goes well for your horse. Thanks!
