Monday, January 12, 2015


Since riding is completely out of the question right now due to weather, I decided to work on one of my other goals for 2015 - grooming!

P actually got a pretty thorough grooming this weekend. I usually just use a curry comb and soft brush, although I also have a softer curry for the legs. I don't know how P manages to get her legs so dirty! It's hard to get all the mud and manure off the legs at this time of year.

It's also hard to do anything with the mane and tail right now. P's mane and tail could really use some detangler, but first I think they need to be washed. Unfortunately, horse baths are also out of the question due to weather.

So I ask fellow horse bloggers - are there any products out there that can be used to clean and detangle dry hair? I wouldn't want to get the hair really wet in the cold weather, but if I could use it on a few spots on a warmer day, that would be nice.


  1. Hey! I saw your comment on my blog about the W.O.W. It's an enzymatic whitener, so it strips out organic material - mud, poop, etc. It's definitely not a detangler and leaves it a little straw-like, but cleaner. I like the Cowboy Magic detangler for that, I'd like to get a bottle of it and use the two of them together. Dreaming of baths...

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for letting me know. I think I would be a little worried about drying out the hair, but the cleaner part sounds really good! I've used the Cowboy Magic detangler before and like it.

  2. yea it's definitely a tough season for bathing... you can try hot towels tho - it's a great method for spot cleaning without getting the horses soaked. good luck!

    1. Good idea - I may give that a try on some especially dirty spots!
