Sunday, October 19, 2014

The ever waning daylight

Weekends always seem especially short during the fall season. There's so much to do and the ever waning daylight doesn't make things easier. Seems like a lot of people out there in the blog world are dealing with rainy weather and the huge temperature swings of fall. We're dealing with the same, and so far the ponies are tolerating it.

I've been busy tidying up the barn area for the winter and making more room for hay. There really aren't a lot of weekends left before winter will be upon us, and I like having everything in order before the cold and the snow arrive.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend!


  1. I know what you mean about the waning daylight, though we're lucky here (sort of) in that since we're on the western border of a time zone, the sun comes up really late (like 8am) and doesn't set until past 7 right now. It's still not enough if you work 8-5 though! Good luck preparing for winter!

    1. Yes! It's too bad that work gets in the way of daylight!

  2. the change in the seasons definitely has me feeling like i ought to get busy getting everything ready.... ugh. but i think once daylight savings hits (2 wks!) and it's dark suuuuper early, maybe we'll all be able to slow down again?

    1. Yes, it's soooo dark then - I think that makes me less motivated!
