Saturday, September 13, 2014

Cleaning continued

The tack cleaning success finally motivated me to clean out other horse stuff, too. It's amazing what we horse people can accumulate over the years, isn't it? I went through quite a few boxes and organized things and threw out a few expired products. I don't think everything expires exactly on its expiration date, so I'll keep things for a while, but eventually they do get TOO old!

The only thing about cleaning out is that you have to replenish. I'll need to add a few things to the horse product shopping list now. Isn't horse product shopping fun? I enjoy it a lot and can spend forever comparing products and trying to decide which is the best product and best value. For example, recently I mentioned that I'm looking to purchase a new cooler to dry out wet ponies in the winter - I'm still browsing and trying to decide which one would be best. There are a lot of choices!


  1. shopping for horse related stuff is the best :) i'm in the market for a cooler too - definitely let us know what you decide on!

    1. It's so hard to decide! I definitely need something that wicks moisture well but also need one that keeps them extra warm in our winter temperatures. I don't know if fleece would work because *everything* sticks to fleece in a barn!
